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Experts say London homes should be built with telecommuting in mind


hmm London housing Developments need to be built with working from home in mind, experts say.

the legacy of pandemic According to a new report by the Covid Research Unit at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), there should be a new housing policy that “prioritizes adequate space for telecommuting and access to domestic and/or neighborhood green spaces.” Hmm.

Scholars have interviewed dozens of Londoners of various ethnicities, faiths, social and age groups about their experiences during the pandemic.

report, publish on wednesdayfound that living at home during Covid-19 was “shaped by housing conditions,” leaving those without outside space feeling “restricted.”

As hybrids and telecommuting are still widespread throughout the capital,inequality Professor Alison Brandt, a QMUL human geographer, said London’s housing instability “needs to be addressed urgently”.

She added:

“Covid-19 has hit London particularly hard, and its impact has exacerbated the problems and inequalities that exist in the city, so long-term change is needed to truly recover from the pandemic.

“There is an urgent need to address housing inequality and insecurity across the capital.

“Personal stories shared in our survey highlight how important our homes are to our well-being, while also showing how many Londoners live in overcrowded conditions with no outdoor space. .

“Working from home remains ubiquitous, so future housing policies and developments should ensure that people have space to work from home and access to parks and gardens away from that work.

“The Covid public investigation, which began this week, will first look at planning, preparedness and political decision-making. suggests that it was

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-housing-home-working-queen-mary-university-b1032147.html Experts say London homes should be built with telecommuting in mind

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