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4 Reasons Why Private Jet Travel Is So Special!


Private jets used to be only for the elite business owners, people who you may consider as a billionaire. Nowadays, this has changed with private jets still being expensive, but more affordable than you may think. With companies like Jetapp, you can easily book and fly private without the expense that it once was.

So with a private jet being that bit more accessible, why not switch up your travel plans and fly private for your next vacation or business meetings. Here are four reasons why private jet travel is so special.

Your Own Privacy 

When it comes to having your own privacy, nothing is more private than a private jet. You may be used to flying first class, or business class, but the level of privacy in a private jet is taken to the next level. You’ll be flying with the party you booked your flight with and that’s it. You won’t have people on board that you don’t know, allowing you to have your own space to work on a private project if required. For many businesses that require executives to fly to other destinations, a private jet will allow them to be a lot more productive than when flying on a commercial airline.

Reach Your Destination Faster 

Following on from the point above, if productivity is key for your business, then by flying privately you will be reaching your destinations faster than if you were to fly on a commercial plane. As private jets are smaller, in many cases they can fly more directly to the destination you want to visit as they will not be competing with bigger commercial planes for space. You will also find that for longer journeys, a private jet will not need to stop for a layover, whereas a commercial plane may have to.

You Are In Control 

Need to be at a certain place at a certain time? Not a problem, with a private jetyou are in control of these things (Weather permitting). When booking a commercial airline, you are stuck with the times they are offering and have no control over having these changed. This however is very different from a private jet, with a private jet you can book and request the time you fly. As long as traffic control will allow this, you will fly at the exact time you would like.

You Travel In Luxury 

You will not get better service than on a private jet! From start to finish, you will be looked after exquisitely. From a customer care team that will operate 24/7 and your very own personal travel agent to the very best pilots and catering like no other, you are their main priority. If you need to make changes such as a change of airport from Biggin Hill Airport to London Luton or London City, your personal travel agent will sort it all out for you.

Have you travelled by private jet before? How was your experience on one? Why do you think travelling by private jet is so special? Let us know in the comment box below.