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Common Types of Pests Which You Can Remove by Yourself with DIY Methods


When you think of pests, what comes to your mind? Cockroaches, rats, termites, mosquitoes? Ring a bell? Pests can be a real nuisance to you when not taken care of. Pests pose a safety and health risk for you and your loved ones.

Rodents and cockroaches will spread diseases to you, while termites will cause massive damage to your structures. You don’t have to buy expensive chemicals to deal with the pests. Neither do you require professional pest control services.

This article focuses on common pests and simple DIY methods you can use to get rid of them.

Common Pests and Their Breeding Places

 Some of the most common pests you will spot in your home include


 They are disgusting and carry harmful diseases that they can transmit to you. They are primarily found in food scraps, leach drains, kitchen and bathroom cupboards, tables, and behind fridges and stoves.


 Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading malaria. Stagnant water provides ideal breeding grounds for them. You will find mosquitoes in the dark and damp areas and ponds of water that collect on old tires, water drains, water tanks, and tins.


 Either fruit flies or house flies, a single sight of a fly is disgusting. Fruit flies cause damage to your fruits, while house flies transmit diseases to you through food contamination. Flies are mostly found on animal feces, open septic tanks, rubbish bins, and food scraps.

Rats and Mice

 Rodents will cause damage to your food and structures by burrowing into them. It is hard to distinguish between rats and mice, but they are found in the same places. In ceilings, trees, storage places, kitchen cupboards, and waste bins.


When left unattended, bedbugs will force you to discard your beddings and furniture. They get transported around by people through their luggage. Bedbugs are difficult to eradicate. They hide in bed crevices and cracks and always attack at night when you are asleep.

Simple DIY Methods to Control Pests

 Seeking professional help might not be on your to-do list. However, it does not mean that you leave the pests to infest your home. Here are simple DIY methods you can use to control the pests;

Keep your House clean

 Dirty surfaces are breeding grounds for pests. Regularly cleaning by cleaning companies in London for your house will keep the pests at bay. After a cookout:

  1. Wash all your dishes and clean any leftovers out of your sink.
  2. Wipe kitchen tops and surfaces.
  3. Seal your food and store it in sealed plastic containers.
  4. Drain any stagnant water around your home and trim your hedges.

Clean your Laundry

 Mites and bedbugs will cling tightly to your clothes and beddings. Regularly washing them will help get rid of the pests. Remember also to clean your pets’ beddings to eliminate fleas.

Seal Entryways

 Pests find their way into your home through cracks and crevices on your structure. Some pests require the slightest crack to gain entry. You can seal the cracks with steel wool or caulk. Repair any holes and gaps on your foundation. Ensure you repair any broken windows and doors.

Keep your Home Dry

 Damp and dark areas attract pests. Keep your home well ventilated to allow for proper air circulation. Always use a dehumidifier to control moisture in your house.

Plant Pest Repellant Plants

 Plants like rosemary, lavender, and basil effectively control beetles, ants, fleas, and mosquitoes. At the corner of your flowerbed, plant any of these plants to help prevent pest infestation. Planting such plants is an eco-friendly way of dealing with them. It is also stress-free as the plant does all the work.

Maintain your Yard and Patio

Just like you, before you access your home, you need first to access the yard. Likewise, before pests find their way into your home, they will first seek shelter there. Regularly keep your yard in shape by trimming the hedges, cutting the grass, and collecting fallen twigs and branches.

In Conclusion;

 If you suspect or spot any pests in your home, consider acting immediately to prevent a pest infestation. Look out for any of the discussed pests above and use the simple DIY methods to help you deal with them or you can also hire professionals like Empire Pest Control in London.