Home Health Fact or Myth: The CBD Edition

Fact or Myth: The CBD Edition


CBD is in the headlines everywhere you turn. Depending on which ones you’re reading, you might have some confusion about what it does and whether you should give it a shot.

There is so much misinformation out there because people listen to—and spread—myths. It’s not always on purpose. They don’t understand the facts and science behind the false info they share.

Some of those myths are easily disputed, and some of the facts sound like myths! Check out these three common CBD rumors to see which ones are true and which are nonsense.

1. CBD Gets You High

Arguably the biggest reason people refuse to try CBD, this statement is a dangerous tale. CBD, or cannabinoid, itself does not get you high. It’s the THC in cannabis that has psychoactive properties, and CBD is a separate ingredient.

CBD is used for anxiety and depression because they do have mood-boosting properties. Cannabinoids interact with the brain to increase serotonin (often called the “happy hormone”) and anandamide production.

Both of these chemicals are also released after exercising. So, you do get that same type of “high,” but it’s all-natural, unlike the one that comes with THC.

2. CBD is Illegal

This misinformation is partly true and partly false. The answer depends on two parts: the type of CBD you are using and the state you’re using it in.

Hemp-derived CBD is legal at the federal level in all 50 states. So, if your product is sourced from hemp, it’s perfectly fine to buy in a store, order online, use, and share. In fact, it’s encouraged!

Physicians, fitness trainers, and nutritionists often recommend hemp-derived CBD to increase overall health and wellness.

So Why Are People Saying it’s Illegal?

The confusion sets in when the CBD product isn’t from hemp. If it has more than .3% THC, the legality depends on the state’s laws.

If you have a medical marijuana card and are in a state that honors it, you can buy your CBD products from an approved distributor. Be sure you’re in a state where weed is legal at that level for recreational use.

And make sure you pay attention to the laws on bringing cannabis across borders or sharing it with others. These regulations vary depending on the state you’re in and if you’re on federal property (it’s never legal there).

3. You Can Get (or Give) a Contact High

This argument has been a concern for decades, long before marijuana was legal in any form. Can someone else absorb CBD into their system if they’re not consuming it themselves?

Studies show that this statement is probably true, but only when the consumption method is smoking or vaping THC products.

Smoking Weed and Contact Highs

The properties of cannabis, like CBD and THC, enter the bloodstream through a process called bioavailability. The term refers to how much of the cannabinoids ingested are actually absorbed by the body.

Each method gives a different absorption level, with smoking offering the most impact. Still, only about 50% of the cannabinoids are having an effect. THC’s bioavailability is even lower at around 30%.

Since this small dosage is what is obtained by direct inhalation, there wouldn’t be much bioavailability secondhand. But there are some, and for many people, that little amount of THC is enough to catch a “contact high.”

But Let’s Clarify This to Be Factual

However, the clarification here is that this only happens when you are smoking weed. Hemp CBD is an entirely different product.

Smoking hemp is popular because you still get more of the cannabinoids (that bioavailability thing we talked about). It’s not the safest method because burning the plant means you and the people around you are breathing carcinogens.

But no one, including you, is going to get high off of smoking hemp. No matter how much you want to or try to, it’s simply not possible. There isn’t enough THC in the plant to get the job done.


Maybe you’ve spread this misinformation in the past or heard it and agreed with it before. That’s fine!

Now that you know the facts behind the myths, you can share the truth. And you just might help someone else choose to try CBD for their wellness and change their life.