Home Lifestyle How Can I Get Over My Fear Of Flying?

How Can I Get Over My Fear Of Flying?


While many people enjoy exploring new places and travelling, many people are terrified of one aspect of travel: flying. Flying can be inconvenient due to high ticket prices, airline delays, and misplaced luggage. Flying, on the other hand, can be a terrifying experience for some passengers.

Fear of flying can also be triggered by claustrophobia or a fear of heights, among other things. Many nervous flyers have irrational fears that their plane will malfunction and crash, no matter how many times they read the statistics about how safe flying is compared to driving. Others are terrified of terrorist hijackings or have hysteria at the prospect of losing control of the plane they are flying.

Whatever the source of your apprehension about flying, you can take steps to reduce your anxiety, and there is much information published in www.phobiaman.co.uk. The choice to fly or not to fly is entirely personal, and no one else can make it for you. However, for those determined not to let fear of flying ruin your way of life, below are some suggestions for dealing with your fear of flying.

Expect the unexpected.

Understanding the fundamentals of how aeroplanes work can help many nervous flyers reduce their anxiety. Understanding how a plane can fly even if one of its engines fails, for example, can help alleviate some of your worries about your plane breaking down. GuidetoPsychology.com explains how planes stay in the air, what causes turbulence, and what causes the terrifying sounds associated with takeoff and landing.

Prepare for your flight by familiarising yourself with your aircraft.

Knowing how your plane looks can help make it less intimidating. Simply browsing through images of the commercial aeroplane interior can help familiarise yourself with how the aeroplane looks from the inside. Another option is watching air travel videos online or those vloggers providing inflight service reviews of different airline companies. The internet has truly become a powerful tool in learning almost everything under the sun without leaving the comfort of your home.

Select an aisle seat.

The majority of airlines and booking systems allow for seat assignment requests when purchasing a ticket. Request an aisle seat if you are claustrophobic; you will feel less hemmed in by other passengers and have more room to move around the cabin. If the breathtaking views make you nervous, it will be easier to avoid looking out the window.

Keep track of your media consumption.

Avid depictions of aviation disasters in films, news coverage of plane crashes, and other frightful media imagery. This may be self-evident but truly is worth emphasising. Remember that, while the vast majority of flights arrive safely, only the most troublesome flights make headlines. Allow this to have no impact on your attitude toward flying.

Consider the positive.

It’s normal to feel anxious about your flight in the days leading up to your vacation. Replace your fear of flying with excitement at the prospect of boarding an aeroplane and flying somewhere enjoyable. Focus on the positive and exciting aspects of your trip, such as the activities you’ll do once you arrive.

Many nervous passengers are concerned about their apparent loss of control, as they have little control over the aircraft’s safety or performance. Regain control by reminding yourself that you chose to travel and that your reaction to the incident is under your control.