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Easy ways to control stored water


Haven’t we all read the very famous phrase “water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink” back in school? Well, that’s right!

97.5% of the earth’s water is in the oceans and seas, which makes it salty and unable for human consumption. The remaining 2.5% is present in ice caps. So the remaining tiny bit that is present in the form of freshwater is the only source of water available to us.

Nowadays, it is extremely important to conserve water, not just for our own good but for the good of the entire planet. Storing water is a very good way of water conservation, and if done properly, can save tonnes. Here are a few ways to control stored water easily.

  1. Turn off the taps

Let’s be honest, most of us tend to keep our taps turned on while brushing, washing, or shaving our face. Did you know that by turning off the taps whenever we brush or shave, we can save nearly 6 litres of water a minute?

If you have leaky taps in your household, immediately get them fixed. Use a float valve or any other apparatus to control the water in your tank too. You’ll save up to more than 60 litres of water a week!

  1. Shower using less water

We all love taking long showers while singing our favourite songs, but spending endless time in the shower can cause more harm than you’d ever imagine.

Every single minute you spend in the shower consumes more than 17 litres of water. It’s important to clean yourself properly, but at a reasonable pace.

Set a timer on your phone to keep the showers short and save water this way. If needed, switch to a more efficient showerhead that utilizes water properly. So not only do you save on water but also on the sky-high water bills.

  1. Pile up unwashed clothes

Yeah, sounds a little unclean but putting all your dirty clothes together in the washing machine uses much less energy and water than if you would keep putting small bits of clothes again and again. This also saves up a lot on the electricity bills.

  1. Stop wasting food

This is an ideal example of killing two birds with a single stone. It definitely takes a lot of water to harvest certain types of food products. So the less we waste, the more we eat. And the more we eat, the less water is needed to produce new crops or fruits.

Did you know that more than 7 million tonnes of food that goes into the dustbins in the UK could be heartily consumed by people? Wasting food not only wastes a tremendous amount of water but also deprives the poor of a healthy meal.

If you see you have surplus food in your kitchen or refrigerator, donate the food to someone who survives without any. This way you will be able to save so much water and help out the ones who sleep hungry.

  1. Check your gardening methods

Watering your plants in harsh daylight can cause the water to evaporate quickly, leading to pouring more water and ultimately causing wastage. To prevent this, water your plants in the early morning or the afternoon.

Try to water the soil so that it goes straight to the roots and can be taken up by the plants. Leave a water-filled container outside in the garden for thirsty animals and birds to drink. Thirsty bees or other insects will prefer to drink water from a bowl filled with stones or small pebbles.

  1. Rainwater harvesting

Installing water butts will save you to save a lot of water, up to 5000 litres a year! Rainwater is also beneficial for plants rather than tap water. Instead of wasting water using automatic sprinklers, you can manually water plants.

  1. Wash up responsibly

If you have a dishwasher, fill it up fully whenever you run it. This way you will use less water than you would if run by hand. It also lets you sit down and wash comfortably, so what more can you ask for?

Over to you…

Using stored water properly can help make a huge impact on our planet. Controlling this stored water is also very important since improper control will ultimately lead to wastage. Here were a few quick tips on how to use the water in your house effectively to prevent future generations from suffering from complete water loss.