Home London Essential health and safety equipment your company should be using

Essential health and safety equipment your company should be using


Every business comes with risks in varying degrees. It’s argued that the risk associated with working on construction sites and offices are incomparable yet, every workplace has its challenges. Whether it’s handling heavy machinery or tripping – all jobs have the potential to harm people it’s just about minimising risk where possible.

There are many things companies can do to keep their employees safe – and using the correct equipment is a great place to start. Choosing health and safety equipment relevant to your line of work is important for protecting your staff from harm. So, here are some essential pieces of health and equipment you need in your workplace.


Health and safety on a construction site should get monitored regularly to ensure all equipment is working correctly. As many pieces of equipment used in construction are highly dangerous – they’re only safe to use when working properly.

Another way to ensure staff safety is to make health and safety training mandatory. Once your employees have been health and safety trained, they can look out for any potential hazards present on-site – keeping everyone much safer. What’s more, health and safety training will inform employees of the correct PPE they need on-site. So, they can stay safe and avoid unnecessary harm.

Factory work 

Factory work also includes heavy machinery but with added electrical hazard risk. Factory machinery should get tested regularly to ensure there are no faults in the system. To avoid electrical faults employees  should test all equipment with aninfrared thermometer. This helps to identify hotspots and the cause of electrical faults. Therefore, helping to stop any unnecessary risk in the workplace.

Office work 

There is a common misconception related to risk in the office – many people feel there isn’t much risk at all. However, many incidents occur in the office, mainly trips, slips, and falls. Providing health and safety posters for your office will remind your employees to be careful when navigating the office. There are other things such as wet floor signs, first aid kits, and logbooks to keep everyone safe in the office.

Ergonomic help is useful for the office as many people spend hours of their day staring at a screen. Back support, laptop boosters, and posture guides will help your employees be safe in the long term and not suffer long-term effects.