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PulseChain vs. Ethereum


PulseChain is the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) fork that is causing waves for its low fees, easy on ramping, and of course, the largest airdrop in history. We are going to go over a few of the differences that make these improvements a reality. PulseChain is going to add so much capacity and utility to the crypto space; let’s talk about a few of the highlights.

EVM compatible

PulseChain is a fork of Ethereum. This is important for both developers and users. For developers, they do not have to learn a new coding language, since the code for PulseChain is based on the Ethereum “GO” language. Imagine if you got a new job offer, but you had to learn a new language to talk to anyone in the office. Tough sell. Not so with PulseChain. For users, it means all the same wallets and most of in the infrastructure we use is the same. Uniswap, Metamask, etc will all work seamlessly on PulseChain. This makes adoption easy for developers and easy for users. This is huge in trying to overcome first mover advantage.

Delegated Proof of Stake

Gone is the waste of miners burning electricity to keep up hash rate. PulseChain is going to have 33 validators processing the blocks on chain and handling transactions. This increases security, lowers environmental waste, and indirectly improves fees. Since it is a delegated POS, users will be able to delegate pulse coins to Pulsechain validators and collect trustless yield from the transaction fees. This feature set is a huge move forward. We are moving from miners selling down prices, burning power, extracting value, to a proof of stake that is orders of magnitude less power intensive, more secure, and gives way to the trustless yield from delegation.

Block Speed and Gas Limits

These two improvements basically mean two things. Two VERY big things.Cheaper fees and more transactions per second. In Ethereum, the blocks are dropped very 12 seconds. PulseChain? Every three seconds. THREE. That’s four (4) times faster than the blue chip blockchain. Gas limits for most purposes means block size to the average user. The higher the gas limit, the more space in the blocks. These two changes increase the transactions per second over Ethereum by up to 40x. Forty times the transactions. This is a huge increase in capacity and dramatic reduction in fees. We are talking about the difference in being able to actually use crypto in the way it was intended, and people using CEX (centralized exchanges) to help scale because they simply can’t afford or refuse to pay the transaction costs associated with Ethereum right now.

System State Copy

Unlike every other fork of Ethereum, PulseChain is bringing the system state. Every address, smart contract, and token is coming over. This will make for great adoption and the largest airdrop that has ever happened. We have some great articles on this airdrop mechanic specifically so I won’t go very in depth here, but again, it’s the LARGEST airdrop in history. These copies will give every Ethereum user a reason to interact on the new chain along with thousands of new tokens going through price discovery.

What we have is a new Ethereum with improved consensus, security, speed, fees, while bringing over the system state and creating the largest airdrop ever. It’s easy to see why the community is so excited for new opportunities and to go back to a time where they could afford to interact with the chain and their favorite projects. Back to cheap transactions, cheap staking, cheap NFT minting, cheap on chain swaps.

Welcome crypto back. PulseChain brought it back for you.